Bene-FIX empowers all stakeholders by allowing the sharing of tasks and responsibilities thus eliminating unnecessary work redundancy and energy loss. Each stakeholder can therefore invest his precious time in delivering the services for which he has a maximum of skills and expertise while leaving the associated and complementary tasks to other members of the ECOSYSTEM.

The goal of bene-FIX is to minimize human intervention by integrating a maximum of smart self-management processes. Customized interfaces provide simple and efficient access to optimize operations at source with minimal effort eliminating redundancy of the same information that is costly and subject to E & O risks.

SIMPLICITY is evident to you through the INPUT ONCETM

For example, you can manage most task associated with all of your employees from a single screen emulating a familiar Excel interface to where you can:

  • Perform individual or massive changes in salaries as of the current date, retroactively or in the future.

Please note the automatic recalculation of the premium, employer and employee contributions, new taxable benefits and deductible expenses.

  • From the same screen you can also make status changes, adjust birth or hiring dates, correct the preferred language of communication, the province or even manage email address of the latter.


  • Once all changes are completed, a single click produces, for each employee subject to an adjustment, a personalized sheet in the language chosen by the employee. The document may be printed or shared electronically.


  • As soon as changes are approved, all information are instantly available to all stakeholders.


Change management and tax optimization are transformed into a SIMPLE action thanks to INPUT ONCETM, instantly eliminating the current complexity and lack of rigor in the industry.


A new member enrollment also becomes a stress-free task. The administrator fills in the basic information and on GO the system instantly sends in an email an interactive file to the employee. The employee can fill in the form and return the enhanced file to the employer who can then simply proceed via an automatic import of the information.


The new employee as well as each staff members are empowered.   They can find and manage all the relevant information via their personalized access including the opportunity to do hypothetical studies of different scenarios.  These self-service tools eliminate the waste of time and energies of the HR who are freed from these time consuming exercise.


The employer has total control and access over all associated information and through a similar customized interface accesses the relevant information enabling him to make the best decisions at all times, especially when selecting the insurance coverages and the assigned insurers at renewal time.


Each user can therefore manage all relevant information that can be validated and shared in real time with ALL other authorized stakeholders.

Please continue your journey on INSTANT GRATIFICATION by watching he one of the videos dedicated to both the employer and the employee.

Give us a call and we show you if and how much your company could get in FREE money.

Thank you



If you qualify, this is FREE money can be yours for a single loonie.




Call us Now to get your FREE MONEY : 1 833 BENE-FIX #2 | 1 833 236-3349 #2 | 

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